Magneto-rheological elastomers (MREs) are functional materials that can be actuated by applying an external magnetic field. MREs comprise a composite of hard magnetic particles dispersed into a nonmagnetic elastomeric (soft) matrix. By applying a strong magnetic field, one can magnetize the structure to program its deformation under the subsequent application of an external field. There is a variety of types of MREs depending on the value of their coercivity (i.e. the necessary field strength to erase the magnetization) that can be broadly classified into soft or hard MREs. Hard MREs, whose coercivities are large, have been receiving particular attention because the programmed magnetization remains unchanged upon actuation. Hence, once a structure made of a hard MRE is magnetized, it can be regarded as magnetized permanently. Motivated by a new realm of applications, there have been significant theoretical developments in the continuum (3D) description of hard MREs. By reducing the 3D description into 1D or 2D via dimensional reduction, several theories of hard magnetic slender structures such as linear beams, elastica, and shells have been recently proposed. In this paper, we derive an effective theory for MRE rods (slender, mono-dimensional structures) under geometrically nonlinear 3D deformation. Our theory is based on reducing the 3D magneto-elastic energy functional for the hard MREs into a 1D Kirchhoff-like description (centerline-based). Restricting the theory to 2D, we reproduce previous works on planar deformations. For further validation in the general case of 3D deformation, we perform precision experiments with both naturally straight and curved rods under either constant or constant-gradient magnetic fields. Our theoretical predictions are in excellent agreement with both discrete simulations and precision-model experiments. Finally, we discuss some limitations of our framework, as highlighted by the experiments, where longrange dipole-dippole interactions, which are neglected in the theory, can play a role.