Slow relaxation occurs in many physical and biological systems. "Creep" is an example from everyday life. When stretching a rubber band, for example, the recovery to its equilibrium length is not, as one might think, exponential: The relaxation is slow, in many cases logarithmic, and can still be observed after many hours. The form of the relaxation also depends on the duration of the stretching, the "waiting time." This ubiquitous phenomenon is called aging, and is abundant both in natural and technological applications. Here, we suggest a general mechanism for slow relaxations and aging, which predicts logarithmic relaxations, and a particular aging dependence on the waiting time. We demonstrate the generality of the approach by comparing our predictions to experimental data on a diverse range of physical phenomena, from conductance in granular metals to disordered insulators and dirty semiconductors, to the low temperature dielectric properties of glasses.nonequilibrium | slow dynamics | memory effects | 1/f noise P hysicists often take for granted that systems relax exponentially. Indeed, when a capacitor discharges, it will discharge exponentially, with a rate independent of the time it has been charged for. However, the relaxation of many systems in nature is far from exponential, as was noticed already in the 19th century by Weber (1). In many cases, the relaxation is logarithmic: Such relaxations have been experimentally observed in the decay of current in superconductors (2), current relaxation in metal-oxidesemiconductor field-effect transistor devices (3), mechanical relaxation of plant roots (4), volume relaxation of crumpling paper (5), and frictional strength (6), to name but a few. Fig. 1 shows experimental data for electron glasses and for crumpling a thin sheet, which are governed by extremely different physical processes, yet they display identical relaxation behavior, which is logarithmic over a strikingly broad time window.In these systems, in contrast to the capacitor example, the relaxation does depend on the time the system has been perturbed for-in the scientific jargon, this is referred to as "aging." In fact, slow relaxations and aging are amongst the most distinct features of glasses, whose understanding presents an important problem in contemporary condensed matter physics. Much experimental and theoretical attention has been devoted to aging in the past decades, in a variety of fields, such as spin-glass (7-13), colloids (14, 15), vortices in superconductors (16,17), and many others (18-23).Here, we study a generic model for aging and discuss several mechanisms yielding a broad distribution of relaxation rates. We demonstrate the generality of the model on four different experimental systems, measuring the dependence of the relaxation both on time t and on the "waiting time" t w , during which an external perturbation has been applied. We show how the following form of relaxations transpires: Sðt;t w Þ ∝ logð1 þ t w ∕tÞ ¼ logðt w ∕tÞ for t ≪ t w ; t w ∕t for t ≫ t w ;where S is the p...