Slip of the tongue is one of the most commonly mistake that doing by EFL learners because in EFL context, there some obstacles that will face by EFL students, such as lack of vocabulary, feeling nervous in speaking, bad pronunciation and so on. This research, mainly explore the comparison between male and female of EFL students at Universitas Negeri Padang in the frequency of slip of the tongue and also to find out the influential factors that affecting the EFL students falling on slip of the tongue. This research is a descriptive qualitative research that uses a psycholinguistic approach. In this preliminary stage research, 10 EFL learners were chosen, consist of 5 males and 5 female by using the proportional random sampling technique. The data in this study is obtained from recording of students' oral presentation. In analyzed the data the researcher use some theories. Those theories were theory proposed by Fromkin (1973) about eight types of slip of the tongue, and Clark (1977) about the factors which influenced the slips of the tongue. According to Fromkin (1973), slips of the tongue were classified into eight types: anticipations, preservations, blends, misderivations/shifts, exchanges, substitutions, additions, and deletions. Based on the result of data analysis, researcher found that, males students produce more slip of the tongue than female. Then, there are various factors that affect them falling on slip of the tongue.