ABSTRACTfatigue test (n = 70) and cyclic fatigue (n = 75) were performed by four-point bending to obtain the slow crack growth parameters (n) .The cyclic fatigue test was also conducted in two frequencies (2 and 10Hz), using stress levels between 350 and 600MPa. All fractured specimens were inspected by SEM so that the origin of the fracture were identified. The dynamic fatigue data were analyzed using the formulas given in ASTM C 1368-00. Cyclic fatigue data were analyzed using Weibull statistics and by the Log General Linear Model. Results: The material showed values of parameters obtained in the SCG assay dynamic fatigue fo = 667 and n = 54. The Weibull parameters obtained from the same test results were m = 7.9, 0 = 968, 9 and 5% = 767. The Weibull parameters obtained by cyclic fatigue were statistically similar for the two frequencies used, the m* was 0.17 (2 Hz) and 0.21 (10 Hz); characteristic lifetimes () were 1.93 x 106 and 40768, respectively. The n value obtained by cyclic fatigue was 48 and 40 at frequencies of 2 and 10 Hz, respectively. There was no effect of the frequency, the stress level or the interaction of the two in the Y-TZP lifetime, when analyzed by General Log Linear Model. Conclusion: The n values obtained by cyclic and dynamic fatigue tests were similar to Y-TZP tested. The extensive confidence intervals obtained in cyclic fatigue tests showed no effect of frequency used this method in fatigue characteristic lifetimes of the Y-TZP tested.