The synthesis, structure, and magnetic properties of
three DyIII complexes of different nuclearity, [Dy2(H2L)2(NO3)] [NO3]·2H2O·CH3OH (1), [Dy4(HL)2(piv)4(OH)2] (2), and [Dy6(H2L)3(μ3–OH)(μ3–CO3)3(CH3OH)4(H2O)8] 5Cl·3H2O (3) [(H4L) = 6-((bis(2-hydroxyethyl)amino)-N′-(2-hydroxybenzylidene)picolinohydrazide)], are
described. This variety of complexes with the same ligand could be
obtained by playing with the metal-to-ligand molar ratio, the type
of DyIII salt, the kind of base, and the presence/absence
of coligand. 1 is a dinuclear complex, while 2 is a tetranuclear assembly with a butterfly-shaped topology. 3 is a homometallic hexanuclear complex that exhibits a propeller-shaped
topology. Interestingly, in this complex 3, three atmospheric
carbon dioxide molecules are trapped in the form of carbonate ions,
which assist in holding the hexanuclear complex together. All of the
complexes reveal a slow relaxation of magnetization even in zero applied
field. Complex 1 is a zero-field SMM with an effective
energy barrier (U
eff) of magnetization
reversal equal to 87(1) K and a relaxation time of τ0 = 6.4(3) × 10–9 s. Under an applied magnetic
field of 0.1 T, these parameters change to U
eff = 101(3) K, τ0 = 2.5(1) × 10–9 s. Complex 2 shows zero-field SMM behavior
with U
eff = 31(2) K, τ0 = 4.2(1) × 10–7 s or τ01 = 2(1) × 10–7 s, U
eff1 = 37(8) K, τ02 = 5(6) × 10–5 s, and U
eff2 = 8(4) by considering two
Orbach relaxation processes, while 3, also a zero-field
SMM, shows a double relaxation of magnetization [U
eff1 = 62.4(3) K, τ01 = 4.6(3) ×
10–8 s, and U
eff1 =
2(1) K, τ02 = 4.6(2) × 10–5 s]. The ab initio calculations indicated that in
these complexes, the Kramer’s ground doublet is characterized
by an axial g-tensor with the prevalence of the m
J = ±15/2 component, as well as that due to the weak
magnetic coupling between the metal centers, the magnetic relaxation,
which is dominated by the single DyIII centers rather than
by the exchange-coupled states, takes place via Raman/Orbach or TA-QTM.
Moreover, theoretical calculations support a toroidal magnetic state
for complex 2.