Photon Correlation Spectroscopy has been applied in order to study the dynamic behavior of structural rearrangements in glassy ZnCI 2 at tempera tures 25-420°C. The structural properties of the glassy systems ZnCI 2 -ZnBr 2 and liquid ZnCI 2 -ACI (A=Li, Cs) have been studied by Raman spectroscopy in the range 25-700°C.The autocorrelation functions of scattered light of pure ZnCI 2 indicate the existence of two at least relaxation processes occurring near Τ The first "main" process is attributed to local density fluctuations and is very well represented by the KWW equation, exp(-t/i)ß, with ß=0.706±0.012 insensitive to temperature variations in the region T g ->T g +80-^C. The high value of ß(ß-»1 ) categorizes ZnCI 2 in the class of relative "strong" glasses, with an nearly Arrhenius temperature dependence of relaxation time τ through T g -^T m +200°C. The second "slow" process could be tentatively attributed to "slow" motions of large "clusters" formed in the 3D-network structure.The temperature dependence of reduced Raman spectra of pure ZnX 2 (X=CI, Br) indicates the presence of different bonding states in the "network" structure, where halogen atom sharing of the ZnX 4 tetrahedral groups occurs. Furthermore, at elevated temperatures the "network" breaks up, creating ZnX 3 units. The spectra of binary ZnCI 2 -ZnBr 2 system show that the mixtures are formed by random closest packing of X atoms. In the ZnCI 2 -ACI mixtures the breaking of the "network" structure occurs both with increasing temperature and AGI composition. The tetrahedral structure around Zn is preserved but one, three of four "terminal" atoms X are formed in the melt with A+ as nearest neighbors.