The PDS 70 system, hosting two planets within its disk, is an ideal target for examining the effect of planets on dust accumulation, growth, and ongoing planet formation. Here, we present high-resolution (0.″07 = 8 au) dust continuum observations of the PDS 70 disk in ALMA Band 3 (3.0 mm). While previous Band 7 observations showed a dust ring with slight asymmetry, our Band 3 observations reveal a more prominent asymmetric peak in the northwest direction, where the intensity is 2.5 times higher than in other directions and the spectral index is at the local minimum with α
SED ∼ 2.2. This indicates that a substantial amount of dust is accumulated both radially and azimuthally in the peak. We also detect point-source emission around the stellar position in the Band 3 image, which is likely to be free–free emission. We constrain the eccentricity of the outer ring to be e < 0.04 from the position of the central star and the outer ring. From the comparison with numerical simulations, we constrain the mass of PDS 70c to be less than 4.9
if the gas turbulence strength α
turb = 10−3. Then, we discuss the formation mechanism of the disk structures and further planet formation scenarios in the disk.