A genome-wide association study identified a common genetic variant rs3802842 at 11q23 to be associated with CRC risk with OR=1.1 and P = 5.80E-10 in European population. In Chinese population, several genetic association studies have investigated the association between rs3802842 variant and CRC risk. However these studies reported both positive and negative association results. It is still necessary to evaluate a specific variant in a specific population, which would be informative to reveal the disease mechanism. Until recently, there is no a systemic study to evaluate the potential association between rs3802842 and CRC risk in Chinese population by a meta-analysis method. Here, we aim to evaluate this association in Chinese population by a meta-analysis method using 12077 samples including 5816 CRC cases and 6261 controls. We identified the T allele of rs3802842 to be significantly related with an increase CRC risk (P=2.22E-05, OR=1.14, 95% CI 1.07-1.21) in Chinese population.