Objective: To use clinical and spirometry findings in order to distinguish between the restrictive and nonspecific patterns of pulmonary function test results in patients with low FVC and a normal or elevated FEV 1 /FVC ratio. Methods: We analyzed the pulmonary function test results of 211 adult patients submitted to spirometry and lung volume measurements. We used the clinical diagnosis at the time spirometry was ordered, together with various functional data, in order to distinguish between patients presenting with a "true" restrictive pattern (reduced TLC) and those presenting with a nonspecific pattern (normal TLC). Results: In the study sample, TLC was reduced in 144 cases and was within the normal range in 67. The most common causes of a nonspecific pattern were obstructive disorders, congestive heart failure, obesity, bronchiolitis, interstitial diseases, and neuromuscular disorders. In patients given a working diagnosis of pulmonary fibrosis, pleural disease, or chest wall disease, the positive predictive value (PPV) for restriction was ≥ 90%. In males, an FVC ≤ 60% of predicted had a PPV for restriction of 98.8%. In females, the restrictive pattern was found in 84.4% of those with an FVC ≤ 50% of predicted. A difference of ≥ 0% between the FEV 1 % and the FVC% had a PPV for restriction of 89.5%. After performing logistic regression, we developed a point scale for predicting the restrictive pattern. Conclusions: In many patients with reduced FEV 1 , reduced FVC, and a normal FEV 1 /FVC ratio, the restrictive pattern can be identified with confidence through the use of an algorithm that takes the clinical diagnosis and certain spirometry measurements into account.Keywords: Spirometry; Airway resistance; Respiratory function tests; Vital capacity.
ResumoObjetivo: Utilizar os dados clínicos e espirométricos para distinguir entre os padrões restritivo e inespecífico dos resultados dos testes de função pulmonar em pacientes com CVF reduzida e relação VEF 1 /CVF normal ou elevada. Métodos: Foram avaliados resultados de testes de função pulmonar de 211 pacientes adultos submetidos à espirometria e a medidas de volumes pulmonares. O diagnóstico clínico na solicitação do exame e diversos dados funcionais foram utilizados para diferenciar pacientes com o padrão restritivo "verdadeiro" (CPT reduzida) daqueles com o padrão inespecífico (CPT normal). Resultados: Na amostra estudada, a CPT estava reduzida em 144 casos e estava dentro da faixa normal em 67. As causas mais comuns do padrão inespecífico foram doenças pulmonares obstrutivas, insuficiência cardíaca congestiva, obesidade, bronquiolite, doenças intersticiais e doenças neuromusculares. Em pacientes com hipótese diagnóstica de fibrose pulmonar, doenças pleurais ou doenças da parede torácica, o valor preditivo positivo (VPP) para restrição foi ≥ 90%. Em homens, a CVF ≤ 60% do previsto teve um VPP para restrição de 98,8%. Em mulheres, o padrão restritivo foi encontrado em 84,4% daquelas com CVF ≤ 50% do previsto. Uma diferença entre VEF 1 % e CVF% ≥ 0% t...