Celiac disease (CD) is found in genetically predisposed individuals, and characterized by intolerance to gluten ingestion, contained in cereals such as barley, rye, wheat and malt. Clinical manifestations vary from asymptomatic patients to severe forms of malabsorption syndromes, which may involve multiple systems and increase the risk of some neoplasias. Diagnosis of CD often requires a high degree of suspicion. There is not a single test for the diagnosis, which is reached after a combination of clinical and laboratory data. The first step may be a serum test, such as the antibodies anti-tissue transglutaminase, or antiendomisio. If serum result is positive, duodenal biopsy is necessary for diagnostic confirmation. IgA deficiency, which occurs in 3% of patients with DC, may lead to false-negatives because serology is based on IgA antibodies. Another cause of false-negative tests is diet restriction of gluten; therefore diagnostic investigation must be carried out during a diet containing gluten. The screening for CD in asymptomatic individuals is not indicated.