Abstract. In (J Differ Geom 103(1):1-13, 2016) we introduced, for a Riemannian surface S, the quantity Λ(S) := inf F λ 0 (F ), where λ 0 (F ) denotes the first Dirichlet eigenvalue of F and the infimum is taken over all compact subsurfaces F of S with smooth boundary and abelian fundamental group. A result of Brooks (J Reine Angew Math 357:101-114, 1985) implies Λ(S) ≥ λ 0 (S), the bottom of the spectrum of the universal coverS. In this paper, we discuss the strictness of the inequality. Moreover, in the case of curvature bounds, we relate Λ(S) with the systole, improving the main result of (Enseign Math 60(2):1-23, 2014).