For a Riemannian covering p : M 2 → M 1 , we compare the spectrum of an essentially self-adjoint differential operator D 1 on a bundle E 1 → M 1 with the spectrum of its lift D 2 on p * E 1 → M 2 . We prove that if the covering is infinite sheeted and amenable, then the spectrum of D 1 is contained in the essential spectrum of any self-adjoint extension of D 2 . We show that if the deck transformations group of the covering is infinite and D 2 is essentially self-adjoint (or symmetric and bounded from below), then D 2 (or the Friedrichs extension of D 2 ) does not have eigenvalues of finite multiplicity and in particular, its spectrum is essential. Moreover, we prove that if M 1 is closed, then p is amenable if and only if it preserves the bottom of the spectrum of some/any Schrödinger operator, extending a result due to Brooks.