Abstract. The multivariate integer Chebyshev problem is to find polynomials with integer coefficients that minimize the supremum norm over a compact set in C d. We study this problem on general sets, but devote special attention to product sets such as cube and polydisk. We also establish a multivariate analog of the Hilbert-Fekete upper bound for the integer Chebyshev constant, which depends on the dimension of space. In the case of single variable polynomials in the complex plane, our estimate coincides with the Hilbert-Fekete result.
The integer Chebyshev problem and its multivariate counterpartThe supremum norm on a compact set E ⊂ C d , d ∈ N, is defined byWe study polynomials with integer coefficients that minimize the sup norm on a set E, and investigate their asymptotic behavior. The univariate case (d = 1) has a long history, but the problem is virtually untouched for d ≥ 2. Let P n (C) and P n (Z) be the classes of algebraic polynomials in one variable, of degree at most n, respectively with complex and with integer coefficients. The problem of minimizing the uniform norm on E by monic polynomials from P n (C) is the classical Chebyshev problem (see [5], [22], [26], etc.) For E = [−1, 1], the explicit solution of this problem is given by the monic Chebyshev polynomial of degree n:T n (x) := 2 1−n cos(n arccos x), n ∈ N.By a linear change of variable, we immediately obtain thatis a monic polynomial with real coefficients and the smallest norm on [a, b] ⊂ R among all monic polynomials of degree n from P n (C). In fact,