The present study was conducted to characterize and evaluate the existing smallruminants (SR) production and management systems in Potohar region of Pakistan. The SR farmers(n=50; flock size > 05 animals) were interviewed.The majority of SR flockswere owned byilliteratemales. The farmers were either landless (17.02%) or had >5 acres of land (34.04%). The farmers(86%) were mostly depending on free range areas for animal grazing. Feed supplementation waspracticed during forage scarcity periods, particularly during winter season (89.9%). Housing was made(90%) to provide shelter and protection from predators and theft. Mean live weights of SR werecomparable with breed average. Animals were highly prolific with 1.43 services per conceptionshowing 60% conception rate. The mortality rate was high in goat kids (28.73%) than that of lambs(19.22%). The major hindrances in SR productivity enhancementidentified were feed shortage,inadequate animal health care and lack of proper marketing system.