The updated National Space Weather Strategy and Action Plan formulates its Objective II as the task to develop and disseminate accurate and timely space weather characterization and forecasts, including regional and global characterization of space weather conditions (NSTC, 2019). Meeting the Objective requires space weather monitoring from ground and space (Knipp & Gannon, 2019). Due to continuing improvements in small satellite (SmallSat) technologies, SmallSat missions are gaining more interest as solutions to address long-standing scientific problems and operational needs (Moretto & Robinson, 2008; NASEM, 2016). The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) produces ( for observations of physical variables in support of all WMO Programs, including space weather. The requirements are rolling and are regularly reviewed by the WMO InterProgram Team on Space Weather Information, Systems and Services (IPT-SWeISS), whose members are experts typically representing national operational space weather centers. The requirements emphasize near-real time space weather operations. IPT-SWeISS assessments indicate that the WMO requirements are often poorly met by the existing observation network and gaps could be very effectively filled by observations from a SmallSat constellation. The WMO requirements are a means by which improvements to space weather observations can be advocated, which requires good communication between forecasters, instrument developers, and researchers. However, much more work needs to be done to publicize the WMO requirements list, especially in the SmallSat community. By using the requirements as a focus for SmallSat design, we can work together more effectively to fill the gaps in the observational network, and to enable SmallSat observations to be increasingly useful for research and operational applications. The First International Workshop on SmallSats for Space Weather Research and Forecasting (SSWRF), held in Washington, DC on 2017 August 1-4, brought together experts in heliophysics, space physics, space weather operations, and related fields to help identify how SmallSats could fill current gaps in space weather understanding and forecasting. Those findings are discussed here. 2. Current Gaps and Recommendations SmallSats have a potential to enable cutting-edge heliophysics science (NASEM, 2016). A number of successful missions have already demonstrated such capability (Spence et al., 2020, unpublished data), and many future missions have been funded or proposed, including a number with direct relevance to space