Malvern Insitec-S instruments were used to measure the size distribution and volume concentration of the aerosol. The total spray volume was calculated using differential mass and flow measurements. Measure the pressure and flow in the piping. Met: The pressure and flow in the piping were measured and recorded with a data acquisition system. Characterize the viscosity or rheology, particle size distribution, bulk density, and surface tension of each simulant tested. Met: The simulants tested were characterized prior to testing and in many cases after testing (Chapter 4). Calculate the test chamber volume from internal dimensions. Met: The volume of the test chamber was calculated using the AutoCAD software and as-built measurements. v S.3 Quality Requirements The Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) Quality Assurance (QA) Program is based on the requirements defined in the DOE Order 414.1D, Quality Assurance, and 10 CFR 830, Energy/Nuclear Safety Management, and Subpart A-Quality Assurance Requirements (a.k.a., the Quality Rule). PNNL has chosen to implement the following consensus standards in a graded approach: