Interactions between plants and herbivorous insects can be shaped by light environment, resulting in differential herbivory in sun and shade. In dioecious species, the combination of plant sex and light-induced changes in defense traits and nutritive value can alter the patterns of foliar damage. We explored the combined effects of light environment and plant sex on natural herbivore damage and plant traits in the dioecious understory forb Mercurialis perennis on Mt. Kopaonik (Serbia). The role of plant traits in predicting the extent of damage was examined as well. Male and female plants from contrasting light environments (shade vs. sun) were analyzed with respect to leaf damage, as well as plant morphological and biochemical traits (size, specific leaf area, carbon-based defensive compounds and nutritional quality). We found prominent differences in herbivore damage between sun and shade conditions, but not between the sexes. Plants from the sun-exposed site had a significantly larger leaf area removed. The specific leaf area co-varied with herbivore damage in an inverse fashion, while leaf nutritional value had a moderate effect. Contrasting light conditions influenced the patterns of intersexual differences in the contents of condensed tannins and soluble proteins, with females exhibiting higher trait values. We found that factors defining risk of consumption were related to plant morphological traits and nutritive value rather than to chemical defenses. [Project of the Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and
Technological Development, Grant no. 173025 and Grant no. 173005]