Selection lemmas are classical results in discrete geometry that have been well studied and have applications in many geometric problems like weak epsilon nets and slimming Delaunay triangulations. Selection lemma type results typically show that there exists a point that is contained in many objects that are induced (spanned) by an underlying point set.In the first selection lemma, we consider the set of all the objects induced (spanned) by a point set P . This question has been widely explored for simplices in R d , with tight bounds in R 2 . In our paper, we prove first selection lemma for other classes of geometric objects. We also consider the strong variant of this problem where we add the constraint that the piercing point comes from P . We prove an exact result on the strong and the weak variant of the first selection lemma for axis-parallel rectangles, special subclasses of axis-parallel rectangles like quadrants and slabs, disks (for centrally symmetric point sets). We also show non-trivial bounds on the first selection lemma for axis-parallel boxes and hyperspheres in R d . In the second selection lemma, we consider an arbitrary m sized subset of the set of all objects induced by P . We study this problem for axisparallel rectangles and show that there exists an point in the plane that is contained in m 3 24n 4 rectangles. This is an improvement over the previous bound by Smorodinsky and Sharir [20] when m is almost quadratic.