The article examines the methods of increasing the productivity of wells of gas and gas condensate reservoirs in the south-eastern part of the Bukhara-Khiva region (BHR). The role of gas calculation methods in determining the gas reserve of Mesopotamia in sveza with an increase in the share of gas reserves from 1 to 10 million tons of conventional fuel is shown. Certain difficulties have been identified in the issue of reliable determination of gas reserves in the limited fund of wells and large ranges of changes in calculated parameters. The determining significance of the value of gas reserves in calculating the forecast indicators of the development and technologies of their extraction is justified. It is established that increasing the degree of reliability of calculating gas reserves ensures the efficiency of its extraction, as well as the rational use of material and technical resources and financial capabilities of the enterprise. The advantages of such methods for determining gas reserves as the volume method, the material balance method, and static models are disclosed. A specific description of each of these methods and their application for calculating gas reserves at the Northern Guzar field is given.