Extensive observational programs on land and sea breezes were carried out by use of pibal method in the summer of 1971 and 1972 in the Tokai Village area facing the Pacific. Two pibal stations were set up at about one and six kilometers inland.Significant results obtained are as follows : (1) Vertical profiles of wind speed and direction in the lowest few hundred meters layer of the atmosphere in the sea breeze are significantly different between the coastal and the inland station, suggesting the effectiveness of the difference in surface friction over the land and the sea.(2) Low level jet in the evening is observed in this area and its development is deeply connected with the existence of a surface inversion layer. (3) The sea breeze observed is clearly of frontal type, which is about 400 meters thick in the vicinity of the front. The land breeze observed develops gradually from the ground surface upwards, under an opposing overriding flow.Observations of wind and temperature over the sea with a research vessel and those of air trajectories by use of tetroons were carried out as a part of observational programs. 418