The vast majority of real-world networks are scalefree, loopy, and sparse, with a power-law degree distribution and a constant average degree. In this paper, we study first-order consensus dynamics in binary scale-free networks, where vertices are subject to white noise. We focus on the coherence of networks characterized in terms of the H2-norm, which quantifies how closely agents track the consensus value. We first provide a lower bound of coherence of a network in terms of its average degree, which is independent of the network order. We then study the coherence of some sparse, scale-free real-world networks, which approaches a constant. We also study numerically the coherence of Barabási-Albert networks and high-dimensional random Apollonian networks, which also converges to a constant when the networks grow. Finally, based on the connection of coherence and the Kirchhoff index, we study analytically the coherence of two deterministically-growing sparse networks and obtain the exact expressions, which tend to small constants. Our results indicate that the effect of noise on the consensus dynamics in power-law networks is negligible. We argue that scale-free topology, together with loopy structure, is responsible for the strong robustness with respect to noisy consensus dynamics in power-law networks.