The study was conducted to identify breeding objectives, existed breeding strategies and selection criteria of goat owners in mixed crop-livestock production systems in Horro Guduru Wollega Zone, western Ethiopia. Data were collected from 306 households through semi structured and structured questionnaires, focal group discussions and secondary sources. The data were analyzed using SAS version 9.2 (2008). General linear model procedure (PROC GLM) of SAS was used for goat flock size and structure. An index was calculated to provide overall ranking for categorical variables. The overall average goat flock size in the study area was 7.6±0.2. Income generation (0.48), meat for home consumption (0.34), saving (0.10), ceremony (0.05) and manure (0.03) were the reasons of goat rearing in the study area. Most (72.22%) of farmers practiced uncontrolled mating system. About 32.35% of farmers in the study area had their own breeding buck while 67.65% of farmers shared breeding bucks with their neighbors. Liter size (0.26), growth rate (0.22) and age at first kidding (0.14) were the farmer's selection criteria for breeding doe in the order indicated while growth rate (0.38), appearance (0.34) and coat colour type (0.16) were the farmers selection criteria for breeding bucks. When designing sustainable breed improvement strategies in this production system, mechanisms to include all categories of traits should be considered.