In the present scenario, the state of engineering education worldwide is facing a big challenge of the employability of graduates. Cloud computing technology has changed the educational landscape by allowing educators and administrators to shift to the cloud for making actionable decisions. In this paper, a smart learning framework is proposed where universities/colleges can advocate the management of employability enhancement and start skill-set enhancement courses through e-learning. This proposed framework monitors the academic/skill data of students to classify their employability at the early stage of graduation. In addition, an algorithm is proposed for skill-set assessment to find various clusters of students who lack in required skill-set. The predicted clusters of students can be offered opportunities to improve their required skill-set through e-learning. Further, we used the design science research methodology for conducting online courses. Moreover, the prediction of resource usage of the proposed e-learning framework is calculated to improve its effectiveness. In our experiment, results show that our proposed hybrid classier achieves 96.45% accuracy of classification. The prediction of resource usage offers better opportunities for adaptive resource elasticity. The results depict that by introducing the proposed framework in engineering education; more effective decisions can be made to improve the employability and overall growth of students. K E Y W O R D S employability enhancement, fog/cloud computing, optical network, resource usage pattern prediction, skill-set assessment, smart learning 1 | INTRODUCTION Universities/colleges are under great pressure to make the youth ready for jobs since the market demands for skilled workers. The education system throughout the world requires a smart system that can be monitored, controlled, quantitatively measured, and continuously improved with the collaboration of universities/ learning centers to enhance students' employability potential during their early years of graduation. Students' employability depends on a variety of features, such as marks obtained in high school, diploma, graduation, etc., extra technical competence, or other relevant information [29]. The information collected from various resources regarding their features is to be accurate, well-timed and precise.As it may be seen in the next references along with this article, according to authors [1,3,4,10,35,37,38,40,41], today's technology is capable of improving students' skills towards employability through e-learning. It consists of multiple skill-set service providers such as learning centers, recruitment companies, institutions, and private training centers, etc. It provides a personally customized and effective educational environment that reduces the gap between students' skill-set and industry demand at multiple employability parameters, such as aptitude, reasoning, communication, technical/professional certifications, etc.The potential of cloud computing encourages education syste...