Accurate recognition of human dynamic movement is essential for seamless human–machine interaction (HMI) across various domains. However, most of the existing methods are single‐modal movement recognition, which has inherent limitations, such as limited feature representation and instability to noise, which will affect its practical performance. To address these limitations, this article proposes a novel fusion approach that can integrate two biological signals, including electromyography (EMG) and bioelectrical impedance (BI). The fusion method combines EMG for capturing dynamic movement features and BI for discerning key postures representing discrete points within dynamic movements. In this method, the identification of key postures and their temporal sequences provide a guiding framework for the selection and weighted correction of probability prediction matrices in EMG‐based dynamic recognition. To verify the effectiveness of the method, six dynamic upper limb movements and nine key postures are defined, and a Universal Robot that can follow movements is employed for experimental validation. Experimental results demonstrate that the recognition accuracy of the dynamic movement reaches 96.2%, representing an improvement of nearly 10% compared with single‐modal signal. This study illustrates the potential of multimodal fusion of EMG and BI in movement recognition, with broad prospects for application in HMI fields.