Cloud computing has become a significant technology trend, and plenty of consultants expect that cloud computing can reshape data technology (IT) and also the IT marketplace. In this paper, we are suggesting a safety mechanism that provides open analysis on shared knowledge within the cloud. During this mechanism, the individual of the underwriter on every sq. in shared statistics are going to be hold on in private from open verifies, who can proficiently verify the shared records without improving the entire report. This mechanism can play out numerous comparing undertakings at the identical time instead of checking them separately. This framework provides a security saving options of open inspecting part for shared facts at intervals the cloud. we have a tendency to area unit mistreatment ring marks to make homomorphy authentication, so thereto, AN open verify will offer an summary on shared data while not obtaining the entire facts, but it cannot be understanding that who is the underwriter on every piece. To get the effectiveness of confirming numerous examining undertakings, we facilitate to increase our tool for better examining. Certainly, the tractability implies the capacity to gather administrator to find the person of the underwriter in the metadata of few great instances