“…The lack of human resources, time and expertise are the largest barriers to digital marketing usage in the industrial context among both SMEs and larger corporations (Järvinen et al, 2012; see also Michaelidou et al, 2011). In the same vein, the skills of the employees to utilize the channels have been identified as a significant enabler of (or barrier to) adoption of digital channels in SMEs (Chen and McQueen, 2008;Gabrielli and Balboni, 2010;Sayre et al, 2012) A lack of financial resources/capital is typically considered a barrier to the growth of SMEs (Cooper et al, 1994;Federico et al, 2012;Gilbert et al, 2006) and thus also to act as a barrier to the adoption and use of digital channels. Although digital marketing, at its best, has n o v a ri ab l e c os ts , th e f i x e d c os ts m ay s ti l l b e p r oh i b i ti v e f or m an y c om p an i es .…”