The aim was to evaluate debris and smear layer at 1, 3 and 5 mm from the foramen of single-file systems WaveOne Gold â and Reciproc Blue â . Thirty single-rooted teeth were prepared using one of the following NiTi instruments WaveOne Gold â and Reciproc Blue â . Root canals were observed under a scanning electron microscope. The presence of debris and smear layer at the apical third of root canals was evaluated. Data were analysed by Friedman and Wilcoxon tests. WaveOne Gold â produced significantly less debris and smear layer compared to Reciproc Blue â . However, the mean amount of debris was significantly different within distances for WaveOne Gold â , while no difference were observed for Reciproc Blue. The mean amount of smear layer was not significantly different within distances with WaveOne Gold â and Reciproc Blue â . Both systems showed debris and smear layer in the apical third; nevertheless, WaveOne Gold â showed better results.