Abstract. A 1200 km-square area of the tropical south Atlantic Ocean near Ascension Island is studied with the HadGEM climate model at convection-permitting and global resolutions for a ten-day case study period in August 2016. During the simulation period, a plume of biomass burning smoke from Africa moves into the area and mixes into the clouds. We examine the interaction of the smoke with clouds and find it has substantial instantaneous direct, indirect and semi-direct radiative effects, which vary in magnitude between model configurations. The smoke aerosol is simulated realistically, and is found to affect dynamical, microphysical and radiative properties of the 10 atmosphere across the region. The model captures the large-scale horizontal transport of the aerosol adequately, approximately reproducing a transition from pristine to polluted conditions. However, for some of the simulation, the smoke is around 1km too low in altitude and therefore mixes into the clouds earlier than observed. Fire emissions increase the total aerosol burden by a factor 3.7 and cloud droplet number concentrations by a factor of 3, which is consistent with MODIS observations. Strong localised perturbations to heating and cooling rates due to the smoke affect the dynamics: in the regional model, the inversion relative to a simulation without smoke aerosol, when averaged over the polluted period. This increase is uncertain, and smaller in the global model. It is mostly due to radiatively driven dynamical changes: the reduced entrainment of dry air from above the cloud layer, rather than precipitation suppression by aerosol.
20The smoke has substantial direct radiative effects of +11.4 W m . However, the radiative effects are sensitive to the model set-up: the semi-direct effect is smaller in the global model, and also in a simulation with the Kogan (2013) parameterisation of autoconversion and accretion instead of the default, from Khairoutdinov & Kogan (2002). Furthermore, we simulate a liquid water path that is biased high compared to 25 satellite observations by 22% on average, and this leads to high estimates of the domain-averaged aerosol direct effect and the effect of the aerosol on cloud albedo. With these caveats, we simulate a large net cooling across the region, of −27.6 W m