“…(2) By recent work of Gompf [8, Corollary 1.2] the existence of a topological embedding B p,q ⊂ CP 2 implies, that the (image of the) interior of B p,q is topologically isotopic to a Stein open subset U ⊂ CP 2 . By Corollary 2, in the case of the smooth embeddings B(k, m) ⊂ CP 2 of [11,9] the Stein structure which exists on int(B(k, m)) as a smoothing of a quotient singularity will never be homotopic to the Stein structure pulledback from U by the time-1 map of the isotopy. On the other hand, if the embedding B p,q ⊂ CP 2 is smooth and symplectic as when Condition (ES) is satisfied or, more generally, homotopic to an almost complex embedding, by previous work of Gompf [7,Theorem 2.1], after a smooth ambient isotopy the induced complex structure on B p,q makes it a holomorphically embedded Stein handlebody and determines the original Stein fillable contact structure on the boundary.…”