In the case of failure of one or more components of a drive system, the emergency shutdown of the system is not always the best way to act. Therefore, simultaneous reconfiguration of the drive control strategy is mandatory to enable an uninterrupted operation to cater for the catastrophic failure. In this context, this paper presents a current sensors fault-tolerant control method for induction motor drives, based on vector control and currents estimation. Several important issues are considered in the proposed method, namely, the detection of sensors failure, isolation of the faulty sensors, and reconfiguration of the control system by proper currents estimation. A new adaptation of the Luenberger observer is proposed and used to perform the task of stator currents estimation. Furthermore, a developed logic circuit is used to detect the faulty current sensors and isolate them with simultaneous generation of logic impulses allowing switching to a proper estimation. The proposed faulttolerant control strategy is firstly tested in MATLAB/Simulink environment in order to illustrate its high-performance. Then, several experimental tests are carried out on a 1.1 kW three-phase induction motor to validate the theoretical results and to confirm the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.