Aubin's Lemma says that, if the Yamabe constant of a closed conformal manifold (M, C) is positive, then it is strictly less than the Yamabe constant of any of its non-trivial finite conformal coverings. We generalize this lemma to the one for the Yamabe constant of any (M ∞ , C ∞ ) of its infinite conformal coverings, provided that π 1 (M) has a descending chain of finite index subgroups tending to π 1 (M ∞ ). Moreover, if the covering M ∞ is normal, the limit of the Yamabe constants of the finite conformal coverings (associated to the descending chain) is equal to that of (M ∞ , C ∞ ). For the proof of this, we also establish a version of positive mass theorem for a specific class of asymptotically flat manifolds with singularities.