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PrefaceThe main theme of this book is the stability of nonautonomous differential equations, with emphasis on the study of the existence and smoothness of invariant manifolds, and the Lyapunov stability of solutions. We always consider a nonuniform exponential behavior of the linear variational equations, given by the existence of a nonuniform exponential contraction or a nonuniform exponential dichotomy. Thus, the results hold for a much larger class of systems than in the "classical" theory of exponential dichotomies. The departure point of the book is our joint work on the construction of invariant manifolds for nonuniformly hyperbolic trajectories of nonautonomous differential equations in Banach spaces. We then consider several related developments, concerning the existence and regularity of topological conjugacies, the construction of center manifolds, the study of reversible and equivariant equations, and so on. The presentation is self-contained and intends to convey the full extent of our approach as well as its unified character. The book contributes towards a rigorous mathematical foundation for the theory in the infinite-dimensional setting, also with the hope that it may lead to further developments in the field. The exposition is directed to researchers as well as graduate students interested in differential equations and dynamical systems, particularly in stability theory.The first part of the book serves as an introduction to the other parts. After giving in Chapter 1 a detailed introduction to the main ideas and motivations behind the theory developed in the book, together with an overview of its contents, we introduce in Chapter 2 the concept of nonuniform exponential dichotomy, which is central in our approach, and we discuss some of its basic properties. Chapter 3 considers the problem of the robustness of nonuniform exponential dichotomies.In the second part of the book we discuss several consequences of local nature for a nonlinear system when the associated linear variational equation admits a nonuniform exponential dichotomy. In particular, we establish in Chapter 4 the existence of Lipschitz stable manifolds for nonautonomous equations in a Banach space. In Chapters 5 and 6 we establish the smooth-VIII Preface ness of the stable manifolds. We first consider the finite-dimensional case in Chapter 5, with the method of invariant families of cones. This approach uses in a decisive manner the compactness of the closed unit ball in the ambient space, and this is why we consider only finite-dimensional spaces in this chapter. Moreover, ...