In the process of logistic activities of common storage and common distribution, due to problems such as urban traffic congestion period, parking restriction, working time restriction, and road restriction time, people often agree on the arrival time for customer orders, so that the receiving and delivering parties can connect in time and speed up unloading and distribution. Therefore, considering the actual distribution operation, it is necessary to consider the location and layout of common storage and multichannel common distribution in time windows. This paper takes multichannel common storage and common distribution as the research object, combines with the actual distribution situation, considers the location and distribution route optimization of the common storage and common distribution mode under the condition of time windows, takes the form of linking time windows with distribution time completion efficiency, and forms a reverse constraint on the objective function by time completion efficiency, thus realizing the double-objective optimization of “minimizing the total cost and satisfying the time windows.” In addition, through the comparison of various intelligent algorithms, find that the squirrel search algorithm (SSA) has more stable performance and better solution results.