Abstract:In Mexico, medicinal plants are widely used. The use of Randia aculeata by healers against snakebites has never been scientifically tested in relation to possible effects on blood parameters and muscle tissue damage. Interviews were carried out in Jamapa, Veracuz, Mexico, with local residents to collect information about the traditional use of Randia aculeata. In this locality, seven pieces of fruit from the plant are mixed in a liter of alcohol, and then administered orally against snakebites. By using histological techniques and a murine model, we explored its cytoprotective properties against the effects of Crotalus simus and Bothrops asper venoms. Possible protections provided by the plant against tissue damage to skeletal and cardiac muscles and against the typical loss of red blood cells were analyzed. Randia aculeata caused an increase in microhematocrit and total hemoglobin, parameters that are often decremented in association with the loss of red blood cells, which is a characteristic effect of animal venom. Randia aculeata was also shown to protect against the lowering of platelet levels caused by Bothrops asper venom. Finally, Randia aculeata produced a partial inhibition of necrosis following administration of snake venom in skeletal and myocardial muscles. The present results provide solid evidence for the traditional use of Randia aculeata against snakebites, as demonstrated by protection against muscular tissue damage and the diminution of red blood cells.Key words: Rubiaceae, antivenoms, Bothrops, Crotalus, cytoprotection.
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INTRODUCTIONOphidian accidents represent a serious health problem, as they lead to an estimated 50,000 deaths and another 22,000 permanent injuries, including amputations and other losses of bodily functions that impede proper development within society (1). Among medical treatments for such accidents, medicinal plants used as ophidian antidotes generate special interest because of their potential pharmacological use. However, information remains scarce and many cases have not been subjected to true scientific analysis.In Mexico, a few plants have been evaluated including Brongniartia podalyrioides and B. intermedia, which were found to contain edunol, a substance that neutralizes the cardiological and toxic effects of the Bothrops atrox venom (2). In the country there are snakebite healers called "culebreros" that claim to know the proper antiophidic herbal remedies and methods of application (3). These healers often represent the only alternative given the lack of medical services that could otherwise provide anti-ophidian serum based on scientific research. In the best of cases, such a healer is apprenticed based on generations of practice that has led to an accumulation of knowledge on the effectiveness of distinct medicinal plants. A healer with this background is in reality keeping a valuable tradition alive (4). However, information on this use of medicinal plants is scarce and in many cases lacks scientific analysis.Ethnobotanic study of Randia ...