INTRODUCTIO N Background The SNAP information extraction system has been developed as a part of a three-year SNAP projec t sponsored by the National Science Foundation. The main goal of the SNAP project is to build a massivel y parallel computer capable of fast and accurate natural language processing [5]. Throughout the project, a parallel computer was built in the Parallel Knowledge Processing Laboratory at USC, and various softwar e was developed to operate the machine [3]. The approach in designing SNAP was to find a knowledge representation and a reasoning paradigm useful for natural language processing which exhibits massive parallelism. We have selected marker-passing on semantic networks as a way to represent and process linguistic knowledge. The work for MUC-5 started at the end of January 1993. Prior to this we had implemented on SNA P a memory-based parsing system which was also used for MUC-4. Since the domain has been changed fro m MUC-4, we improved the dictionary with semantic tags necessary for EJV domain, developed a new templat e generation module, and constructed a new knowledge base including concept hierarchy and concept sequenc e patterns for parsing. Our group consisting of one faculty and five graduate students spent approximately 6 months to engineer a large system .