DOI: 10.1128/jb.184.10.2789-2804.2002
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Snapshot of the Genome of the Pseudo-T-Even Bacteriophage RB49

Abstract: RB49 is a virulent bacteriophage that infects Escherichia coli. Its virion morphology is indistinguishable from the well-known T-even phage T4, but DNA hybridization indicated that it was phylogenetically distant from T4 and thus it was classified as a pseudo-T-even phage. To further characterize RB49, we randomly sequenced small fragments corresponding to about 20% of the Ϸ170-kb genome. Most of these nucleotide sequences lacked sufficient homology to T4 to be detected in an NCBI BlastN analysis. However, whe… Show more

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Cited by 51 publications
(44 citation statements)
References 70 publications
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“…All the S-PM2 homologues of the T4 genes whose expression is MotA dependent in T4 have both early and late promoters in the S-PM2 genome. In this way transcription of these genes can be assured during different periods of the phage cycle (15). Regardless of these striking differences in the transcription of S-PM2 and T4 during the first part of infection, there is a strong similarity between them with regard to late transcription.…”
Section: Resultsmentioning
confidence: 98%
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“…All the S-PM2 homologues of the T4 genes whose expression is MotA dependent in T4 have both early and late promoters in the S-PM2 genome. In this way transcription of these genes can be assured during different periods of the phage cycle (15). Regardless of these striking differences in the transcription of S-PM2 and T4 during the first part of infection, there is a strong similarity between them with regard to late transcription.…”
Section: Resultsmentioning
confidence: 98%
“…In this respect S-PM2 resembles the only other well-characterized T4-type phage, RB49, where the absence of a T4-like middle mode of transcription has also been noted (15). As in RB49, the middle mode of transcription in S-PM2 appears to have been largely replaced by overlapping transcription that initiates from early and late promoters (15). All the S-PM2 homologues of the T4 genes whose expression is MotA dependent in T4 have both early and late promoters in the S-PM2 genome.…”
Section: Resultsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…For other T4-like coliphages (such as RB49), there are yet fewer of the "nonessential" T4 genes and more hypothetical, uncharacterized ORFs (210). For RB49, conservation of the DNA replication and viron structural proteins is most evident.…”
Section: A Glimpse At Genome Diversity and Evolution In T4-type Phagesmentioning
confidence: 98%
“…Genome sequence surveys of T4-like phages (210,700,702,919,1067,1069) The DNA endonucleases or "homing enzymes" in group I introns of T-even phage could afford one mechanism for gene dissemination. However, Edgell (251) discusses reasons why this appears not to occur.…”
Section: A Glimpse At Genome Diversity and Evolution In T4-type Phagesmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…This has been most completely described for the T4-like phages and their cyanophage relatives (67,187,264) (see the section on noncore genes in marine cyanophage genomes below), and it has also been seen for a group of phages infecting Gram-positive hosts, including Bacillus phage SPO1 (261). The first group of genes, known as the core genes, is found in all members of a given group of phages.…”
Section: Fig 1 Viruses Of the Ordermentioning
confidence: 99%