A characterization of the topological spaces that possess a bicomplete fine quasiuniformity is obtained. In particular we show that the fine quasi-uniformity of each sober space, of each first-countable 7^-space and of each quasi-pseudo-metrizable space is bicomplete. Moreover we give examples of T t -spaces that do not admit a bicomplete quasi-uniformity.We obtain several conditions under which the semi-continuous quasi-uniformity of a topological space is bicomplete and observe that the well-monotone covering quasiuniformity of a topological space is bicomplete if and only if the space is quasi-sober.
IntroductionIt is known that the Pervin quasi-uniformity of a topological space X is bicomplete if and only if X is a hereditarily compact quasi-sober space ([14], essentially corollary 3 -2). Naturally this result suggests the question under which conditions other wellknown canonical quasi-uniformities °U (defined on appropriate classes of topological spaces) are bicomplete. In this note we wish to consider this problem in the case that°U is the fine quasi-uniformity or the semi-continuous quasi-uniformity of an arbitrary topological space.In the first part of this note we prove that the fine quasi-uniformity of each quasipseudo-metrizable space and of each sober space is bicomplete. We remark that, on the other hand, while it seems to be unknown whether the fine quasi-uniformity of each quasi-pseudo-metrizable space is complete, it is shown in [17] that the fine quasi-uniformity of some well-known normal Hausdorif spaces is not complete (see also [19, 21] for related results). As a by-product of our investigations we get the result that the sobrification of a topological (7J,)-space X can be obtained by constructing the bicompletion of the well-monotone covering quasi-uniformity ofX In [13] the analogy between the separated Cauchy completion of a uniform space and the sobrification of a topological space is studied from the point of view of category theory. Our observation may help to explain the similarity between these two constructions from a different point of view.In the second part of this note we try to determine familiar conditions under which the semi-continuous quasi-uniformity of a topological space is bicomplete. In particular we show that the semi-continuous quasi-uniformity of a sober hereditarily countably metacompact space is bicomplete if and only if the space is hereditarily closed-complete.