Practically, any digital system includes sequential blocks. This article is devoted to a case when sequential blocks are represented by models of Mealy finite state machines (FSMs). The performance (maximum operating frequency) is one of the most important characteristics of an FSM circuit. In this article, a method is proposed which aims at increasing the operating frequency of LUT-based Mealy FSMs with twofold state assignment. This is done using only extended state codes. Such an approach allows excluding a block of transformation of binary state codes into extended state codes. The proposed approach leads to LUT-based Mealy FSM circuits having two levels of logic blocks. Each function for any logic level is represented by a circuit including a single LUT. The proposed method is illustrated by an example of synthesis. The results of experiments conducted with standard benchmarks show that the proposed approach produces LUT-based circuits with significantly higher operating frequency than it is for circuits produced by other investigated methods (Auto and One-hot of Vivado, JEDI, twofold state assignment). The performance is increased by an average of 15.9 to 25.49 percent. These improvements are accompanied by a small growth of the numbers of LUTs compared with circuits based on twofold state assignment. Our approach provides the best area-time products compared with other investigated methods. The advantages of the proposed approach increase as the number of FSM inputs and states increases.