Cite this article as: Roy S, Pathy S, Mohanti BK, Raina V, Jaiswal A, Kumar R, et al. Accelerated hypofractionated radiotherapy with concomitant chemotherapy in locally advanced squamous cell carcinoma of lung: evaluation of response, survival, toxicity and quality of life from a Phase II randomized study.
Conclusion:The study suggests that AHFx-RT-CT is feasible for locally advanced SCC of the lung with improved response rate, survival, QOL and favourable toxicity. Advances in knowledge: To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study comparing conventionally fractionated radiation with AHFx-RT-CT. Addition of low-dose weekly cisplatin as radiosensitizer may be the potential factor responsible for improved response rate, survival and favourable toxicity in the study arm despite lower biological effective dose.