The concept of sustainable development is based on the interdependence of three key aspects of development – environmental, economic and social. Tourism and recreational nature use are seen as effective tools for achieving financial self-sufficiency of local communities, development of private entrepreneurship, positive impact on the social sphere and minimizing the exploitation of natural resource. However, excessive recreational activity can lead to the degradation of natural complexes. In order to preserve biodiversity and sustainable development of territories, it is necessary to monitor the condition of zones with intensive recreational innovation to prevent their degradation and develop responsible tourism. To monitor the environmental condition, there are used modern methods of remote sensing of the Earth, which should be combined with field ecological studies. In the course of the research, there was proved the existence of interrelationships between the enzymatic activity of soils, soil density and the vegetation condition according to NDVI. Currently, there is an urgent issue of maintaining a balance between the population’s requests for recreation and the ability of natural resources to satisfy them. The given research method is able to provide information to ensure the responsible attitude of the community to nature-protected zones, to influence ecological awareness and to ensure the effective use of the ecosystem. Calculations were carried out on the example of complex slope ecosystems of the Barmakivske tract, which are subjected to a strong recreational load.