Objective: This research aimed to evaluate the social audit performance of cooperatives in Northeastern Cagayan, Philippines, focusing on their compliance with RA 9520, the Philippine Cooperative Code of 2008. The study assessed cooperatives' fulfillment of social responsibility and governance obligations.
Theoretical framework: The study was based on the principles of social responsibility and cooperative governance. It aimed to explore how cooperatives in the region integrate these principles into their operations and assess their compliance with the legal requirements outlined in RA 9520.
Method: The study employed a descriptive research design, utilizing survey questionnaires and interviews with cooperative officers to collect data from cooperatives in Northeastern Cagayan. This approach provided a comprehensive assessment of the cooperatives' social audit performance.
Results and conclusion: The study found that most of the cooperatives in Northeastern Cagayan were micro cooperatives with a focus on clean and green initiatives, health and sanitation, and providing goods to the indigent. However, only 80% had allocated a budget for social audit requirements, and lack of sincerity and budget constraints were identified as main challenges in implementing social responsibility programs.
Implications of the research: The study's practical implications for cooperatives include code compliance and social responsibility programs. Adequate budget allocation and sincere implementation promote sustainable development. Cooperatives play a vital role in this endeavor.
Originality and Value: This study adds to literature by examining social audit performance of cooperatives in Northeastern Cagayan, focusing on compliance with RA 9520 and effectiveness of social responsibility programs. Findings guide future research in this area.