Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is a relatively common and often severe disorder. Although individuals with BDD have markedly poor psychosocial functioning, the nature of interpersonal problems has been only minimally investigated. This study examined the severity, domains, and correlates of interpersonal problems in 51 individuals with BDD using the Inventory of Interpersonal Problems-64 (IIP-64) and other reliable and valid measures. Compared to norms for a U.S. community sample, individuals with DSM-IV BDD reported greater severity of interpersonal problems across most IIP-64 domains. BDD subjects' scores were most elevated on the Socially Inhibited and Nonassertive subscales. More severe BDD symptoms were significantly correlated with higher scores on the Socially Inhibited, Nonassertive, and Vindictive/Self-Centered subscales and with IIP-64 total score. In a logistic regression analysis, BDD severity and a personality disorder were independently associated with severity of interpersonal problems. These findings suggest that individuals with BDD have significant problems with interpersonal relationships, particularly in the areas of social inhibition and nonassertiveness.