She is head of the research group in Education and Diversity. Her research interests and publications are in the field of educational ethnography, inclusive education, parental involvement, teacher education and rural schooling. Dennis Beach is Professor in the University of Borås, Sweden and in the Department of Education and Special Education, University of Gothenburg. Sweden. is Professor of Education. His main specialisations are in the ethnography and sociology of education and teacher education. He has published extensively in these fields and in the politics of education and higher education.
Promoting professional growth to build a socially just school through participation in ethnographic researchWe have used the concept of ethnography as explanatory critique in earlier research in three projects in Spain relating to teacher professional development and leadership for socially just schools. This research involved participant observations, interviews, informal conversations, document analysis and virtual ethnography. However, we have also conducted a metaethnographic analysis on research products from the projects. Our intention was to try to identify any potentially common themes and ideas concerning how interaction between researchers and participants may have influenced the research and the contexts they were part of as a means to generate useful knowledge for leadership and professional development for educational change and social justice. We describe and analyse these themes in the present article and conclude by highlighting key aspects and possible implications.