Writing a successful dissertation is in some way like winning a Formula One race. You need a good car (talent, material, and knowledge), good strategy (clear plan and suitable approach), good team (supervisors and mentors), and fuel (energy to keep going). Except that for the dissertation, I am racing against my weaknesses and the deadline of course. I am very lucky to have many great people around me. Thanks to their help I can finally see the checkered flag. I am deeply grateful to my supervisors Prof. Dr. Stephanie Teufel, Dr. Bernd Teufel, and Prof. Dr. Marino Widmer from the University of Fribourg. Since I started my Master's studies, they have always been very supportive personally and professionally. I would like to express my gratitude for their ongoing support of my Ph.D. studies and research, as well as their patience and inspiration. Their advice was invaluable throughout my research and thesis writing. I would like to thank Dr. Jean-François Emmenegger for enlightening me about the statistical analysis stage of the research. His kindness and patience helped me find the right path after I was lost. Furthermore, I want to express my gratitude to Dr. Reinhard Bürgy, Dr. Toni Hürlimann, Francesca, and Vera for the great year I spent at the Decision Support & Operations Research Group at the University of Fribourg. I want to thank my colleagues from the iimt Kirstin, Yves, Mario, Julia, Virgile, and Melanie for the many memorable years of kindness, collaboration, and support. My sincere thanks also go to my best friends Kinan, Ashraf, Mohammad, Majd, Musaab, Muhsen, and Danilo. Thank you for the years gone and the years to come of selfless friendship.You are brothers to me.Last but not least, my sincere gratefulness goes to my loving wife Irina whose love and care were the fuel that kept me going, to my parents Khiro and Najwa, my siblings Hiba, Abdulrahman, and Zain, to my cousins Anas and Ahmad, to the sunshine of my life Elias, and to my brother Islam who lives on in my heart.There are no words that can express my gratefulness for all these people and their continuous support throughout the entire time of writing this dissertation. Without them, there would simply be no accomplishment. Thank you.comprehensive answer to that question will not appear, but at the very least, an indicator about the development direction will come up.Before elaborating on the matter, it is essential to refer here to the pH indicator, a chemical substance that changes the color of a solution when added. This process can determine the acidity or basicity of the solution. The name "indicator" describes very well the purpose of this substance. It is not a determinant, but it is just an indicator. The new color of the substance will expose the nature of the solution, but not its accurate pH number. So, the indicator's purpose in this dissertation's context is to sense the future understanding of security based on the evolution of security perception throughout the centuries.This area of research is based on security but in an exc...