The 2019 Swiss national elections were characterized by the unusual prominence of two issues, environment and gender, whereas two staples of Swiss politics, immigration and Europe, were less dominant compared to previous elections.We study how, in this context, the media and party agenda were linked to issue ownership. Specifically, we consider whether political parties that own an issue could lead the media agenda and the agenda of other parties. Our analysis relies on all tweets and press releases of major Swiss political parties from January to October 2019 and 37,225 newspaper articles published during the same period. Results show, first, that the agenda-setting capacity of parties was restricted to the gender issue, and second, that the link between issue ownership and agenda setting is ambiguous. These findings suggest that during election campaigns, agenda setting may be largely exogenous to both parties and media.
ZusammenfassungDie Schweizer Nationalratswahlen 2019 waren durch die ungewöhnliche Bedeutung zweier Themen gekennzeichnet (Umwelt und Gleichstellung), während zwei Kernthemen der Schweizer Politik (Einwanderung und Europa) im Vergleich zu früheren Wahlen weniger im Fokus standen. Wir untersuchen, wie sich die Themensetzungen von Medien und Parteien gegenseitig beeinflusst haben.