Technology has a significant impact on various aspects of our life, and the Internet is rapidly becoming a major venue for young people to socialise. Due to its voracious capacity to rapidly retrieve desired information, the Internet has become an essential tool for teenagers or anyone of many age groups seeking access to knowledge. Consequently, it is become a form of learning process identified by both parents and children’s and are struggling to deny their children. In addition, it has been a platform enabling individuals to express their thoughts and opinions, as well as interact with people who share similar interests globally. The impact of social media platforms can vary based on the user's aims and the level of attention and involvement of its members. It can either be advanced–to–facetious or harmful. Recognize that the digital engagement strategies that work in urban and suburban areas may not have the same results in rural communities. They can enhance connectedness and access to information, but excessive use may disrupt face – to face communication and mental health. Additionally, social media can lead to cyberbullying, false information, unrealistic expectations, and reduced in-person interaction, Social Media Interaction is the volume of likes, comments, and shares on the social platform, the content satisfaction of users, the right product, and the right targeted audience and ad engagement rate increases.