Facebook, the most popular social media (SM) platform has penetrated every nook and corner of the world. SM is now treated as the ‘fifth Estate’, other than legislative, executive, judiciary, and mainstream media. The power of SM as a critique is widely acknowledged. Establishments are finding it difficult to deal with it at times. Due to its ease of usage and relative anonymity, the general public finds it very convenient to put across their viewpoints, even if it’s against the establishment. Some establishments at times are at loggerheads with champions of freedom of speech including civil rights activists. SM has been used for propaganda, marketing, and awareness campaigns. In this paper, we are proposing to use this powerful tool towards social change. Through a case study, a detailed process is being proposed for using social media particularly Facebook as an an-ti-stereotyping tool. The response to an online survey, the outcome of opinion min-ing, and the enthusiastic response to our case study by the targeted audience validate our hypothesis that Facebook can be effectively utilized as an anti-stereotyping tool.