Despite the creation of county governments, Kenyans are yet to enjoy the benefits of devolution. A major reason is the financial constraints experienced by county governments due to low allocation of budget by the national government. Involving citizens through public participation, efficient resource mobilization and accountability of local leaders are crucial inservice delivery within counties. The general objective of this study was to determine the influence of communication process strategy on county government service delivery to citizens of Turbo Sub County. The study was guided by Circular Theory of Communication. The study employed descriptive research design. The target population of this study was 324 community representatives from Huruma, Kapsaos, Kiplombe, Kamagut, Tapsagoi and Ng'enyinel wards. Yamane formula was used to obtain a sample size 179 respondents. The study used stratified and simple random sampling to select the respondents. The researcher used a questionnaire to collect data from sampled respondents. A pilot study was carried out in Soy Sub County to determine the validity and reliability of the research instruments. The study applied content validity where experts was asked their opinion about whether an instrument measures the concept intended. Cronbach's alpha α coefficient was used by the researcher to measure internal consistency of the study, in the survey instruments, to gauge their reliability. The completed questionnaires were coded into Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) Version 26. Data analysis was carried out using both descriptive and inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics was used to summarize the quantitative data so as to allow a meaningful description of a distribution of the scores. Descriptive statistics included frequency, means, mode, minimum, and maximum and standard deviation. Inferential statistics used in this study were correlation and multiple regression. Presentation of analyzed data was done using percentages, mean and standard deviation by use of frequency tables. The study revealed that there was a of communication process strategy on service delivery (β1=-0.129, p=0.002). The study concluded that there exists a strong, positive and statistically correlation between communication process strategy and service delivery.