Average duration of corporate Knowledge Management project measures in years. The idea of this paper is to show new approaches to this well-known activity. The problems of incompatibility between corporate IT services and Open Source Systems are obvious and based on polite incredulity. On the other hand, corporate users are exhausted to wait for results of Knowledge Management projects. KM teams force users to share knowledge and on our opinion implantation is only one part of the KM process. The other part is to provide a solution for the user's needs to share knowledge. World Wide Web was originally created to let scientists share knowledge. Obviously if we bring the best from WWW tech to corporate environment we can make a real masterpiece.
Bimodal IT is quite new approach which has many unclear areas. Open Source Systems are in good alignment with agility part of Bimodal IT mode. MediaWiki is rather agile framework with adoptable ecosystem of extensions. OSS LAMP stack is a very fast tool to launch corporate project. Extremely important to connect delivers of agile phase to part of IT focused on stability. In other case corporate Wikipedia project will be doomed.