Abstract-Content management appears as an essential requirement in order to deploy enhanced P2P networks. In P2P networks, the content that is requested by the query node could be located at different locations/nodes; therefore an efficient search mechanism is required. The proposed search algorithm in this paper, called socP2P, relies on peers' social relationships (friendships, shared interests, shared background and experiences) to improve the content discovery compared to similar solutions. With socP2P nodes can improve searches by using knowledge gained by 'overheard information' during their stay in the network. In addition, our algorithm exploits peers' common interests, friendships, and capability of memorizing experiences (received and routed queries) by them. Simulation results show that socP2P is able to achieve a high success rate, low delay and low overhead. We have verified that our algorithm is not only useful in finding popular contents in the network but also good enough to locate rare files. The obtained results reflect that exploiting social information in P2P networks leads to a more efficient content search mechanism.Keywords: Content Discovery, Peer-to-Peer networks, Social Network, Random Walk I. BACKGROUND AND RELATED WORK A Peer-to-Peer (P2P) network is a virtual overlay network, built at application layer, on top of a physical network topology. Decentralization and self-organization are key features of P2P networks. AS the number and location of contents in a P2P system have a strong impact on the performance, it is not surprising that content management in P2P networks is one of the research challenges in this area. Peers do not have global knowledge about the network and they have to interact with each other to find the required resource. With the increasing number of peers, the rate of possible interactions may also increase exponentially and hence this strategy is not applicable. In addition, existing unstructured P2P search techniques create huge network traffic or they require high search overhead [4].Most of the search methods for unstructured P2P networks are focusing on solving their issues by means of blind flooding. Authors in [5] present a new social-like P2P algorithm (Social-P2P) for resource discovery by mimicking human interactions in social networks where peer nodes are people and connections are relationships. Random Walk [6] is one popular searching method in P2P which a query is forwarded to a randomly chosen neighbor hop by hop until enough responses have been found. Also Gnutella [8] appears as one of the most popular P2P file-sharing applications which require nodes to broadcast messages to their neighbors in order to perform content lookup.Given that recent studies of P2P systems have provided a series of useful solutions to improve the performance of content management in P2P networks, realizing an advanced method of content management by means of social relations of users in OSNs is still an open issue in ongoing research. The objectives, requirements and chall...